Biblical Numerology

Read the numbers in the Bible

Biblical numerology is the study of individual numbers in Scripture. It relates particularly to the biblical meaning of numbers, both literal and symbolic.

Conservative scholars remain cautious about assigning too much importance to the meaning of numbers in the Bible. Such attribution has led some groups to mystical and theological extremes, believing numbers can reveal the future or uncover hidden information. These groups delve into the dangerous realm of divination.

Biblical Meaning of Numbers in Prophetic Scriptures

Certain prophetic books of the Bible, such as Daniel and Revelation, introduce a complex, interrelated system of numerology which exhibits definite patterns. Given the elaborate nature of prophetic numerology, this study will deal only with the meaning of individual numbers in the Bible.

For the most part, Bible scholars agree that the following numbers possess either symbolic or literal significance.


Union and Oneness

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Unity, New beginnings
Denotes absolute singleness.
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." (Deuteronomy 6:4, ESV)
One is independent of all other numbers and is contained in all other numbers. One is only divisible by itself.
One represents the union of the Godhead as one God.
John 10:30 I and my Father are one.
One Corinthians 8:4 …there is no other God but one.
Galatians 3:20 … God is one.
One represents the union of man and woman becoming one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:7-9)
One represents the union of God and man in salvation (John 17:11, 20-21, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Ephesians 5:30)


Companionship, Witness, Division

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The number two symbolizes witness and support.
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. (Ecclesiastes 4:9, ESV)
There were two great lights of creation (Genesis 1:16).
Two cherubim guarded the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:22).
Two witnesses establish truth (Matthew 26:60).
The disciples were sent two by two (Luke 10:1).
Although a man and woman are brought together as one in marriage, they are still two individuals, purposed by God to be companions to each other in separate and unique ways (Genesis 2:18, 22, Ecclesiastes 4:9, Amos 3:3).
Two of every kind of animal entered the ark
Two tablets contained the Ten Commandments
Two testaments make up the Word of God
Two witnesses were required by law for valid testimony (Deut 17:6, Num14:6-7, 1 Kings 21:10, Mat 18:16, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1, Rev 11:3)
Two times Pharaoh was given a dream “because it was established by God” (Gen 41:32)
Two parts to the day
Two great lights to divide the day and night (sun and moon)
Two cherubim at the 2 ends of the mercy seat
Two turtledoves or two young pigeons served as an acceptable sin offering for the poor (witnessed to the lamb)
Two loaves and 2 lambs were the wave offering of Shavuot
Two goats for the Day of Atonement offering
Two pillars at the entrance of God’s Temple, built by Solomon
Two doors, 2 leaves for each door on the Temple in Ezekiel 41
Two olive trees are “the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.” (Zechariah 4:14)
Two blind men who testified of Jesus healed (Matthew 9:27, 20:30)
Two disciples were given the testimony of Jesus to give to John in prison (Matthew 11:2-6)
Two disciples were sent to get a donkey and a colt (2) and to tell, “the Lord has need of them.”
Two commandments on which “hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:40)
Two masters (Luke 16:13) One true: God; one false: money
Two thieves on crosses=2 testimonies (but only one true testimony)
Two angels testified at the tomb (John 20:12)
Two witnesses are the 2 olive trees and 2 candlesticks during the Tribulation (Revelation 11:3-4)


Triunity of Divine Design


The number three signifies completion or perfection, and unity. Three Persons are in the Trinity.
Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (John 2:19, ESV)
Many significant events in the Bible happened "on the third day" (Hosea 6:2).
Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of the fish (Matthew 12:40).
Jesus' earthly ministry lasted three years (Luke 13:7).
Three is the number of triunity as perfectly seen in the Holy Trinity — one God in three Persons. Triunity existed before the foundations of the world, with the infinite and eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God set patterns of three in many of the rituals and instructions for His people Israel:
Three things were put in the Ark of the Covenant (jar of manna, Aaron’s staff, tables of stone); Daily prayers were three times a day; Appointed times (feasts) were three times each year; Three laws: moral, ceremonial and civil; Three types of sacrifice: Sin-offering, peace offering, and praise offering. Other patterns of triunity in the Bible and in our world include:
Three places men dwell: Heaven, earth, and the underworld
Three heavens
Three time frames: Past, present, and future
Three points of measurement: Beginning, middle, and end
Three measurements: Length, width, and height
Three states of water: Solid, liquid, and gas
Three abilities of man: thought, word, and deed
Three qualities: good, better, and best
Three gifts of grace: faith, hope, and love
Three temptations of Eve: The tree was good for food, pleasant to the eyes; desired to make one wise.
Three temptations of man: the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life
Three great enemies: the World, the flesh, and the devil
Three kinds of matter: mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdom.
Three Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Three-part deliverance of Israel (concerning land): out of Egypt, through the wilderness, into the Promised Land
Three-part instruction: Law, the prophets, and the psalms/writings (Luke 24:44)
Three divisions in the tabernacle and the temple: Outer Court, Holy Place, and Most Holy Place
Three veils in the tabernacle: the outer veil to the inner court, the inner veil to the Holy Place, the innermost veil to the Holy of Holies
Three Kings of the united kingdom: Saul, David, and Solomon
Three faithful ones were persecuted: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Three intimate friends of Jesus: Peter, James, and John (witnesses to the Transfiguration)
Three Witnesses: the Spirit, the water, and the blood (1 John 5:8)
Three-part completeness in divine judgment: Numbered, weighed, and divided
Three-part existence of Jesus: Which was, and which is, and which is to come
Three-part fullness of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Three-part fullness of man: Spirit = Essences (I am); Soul = Consciousness (I see and I know); Body = Appearance (I am seen) 1 Thess 5:23
Three redemptive acts of God: Loved, cleansed and crowned
Three times God spoke from Heaven (Matthew 3:17, 17:5, John 12:28)
Three-fold growth in the good ground–produces some 30-fold growth, some 60, some 100 (Mark 4:8)
Three Shepherd Psalms prophesied of Jesus: The Good Shepherd telling of His death (Psalm 22, John 10:14-15); The Great Shepherd telling of His resurrection (Psalm 23, Hebrews 13:20) and The Chief Shepherd telling of His glory (Psalm 24, 1 Peter 5:4)
Three appearances of Christ in Hebrews 9: He has appeared to put away sin (vs. 26) He now appears in the presence of God (vs. 24), and He shall appear (vs. 28) to those who look for Him (vs. 28)
Three-part salvation: Justification, sanctification, glorification (2 Corinthians 1:10)
Three-part life in Christ: Positional, practical, and spiritual
Three stories high and 300 hundred cubits long was the size of Noah’s ark
Three offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King
Three Spiritual Things — Gifts, Ministries, and Effects (1 Corinthians 12:1)


Creative Works of God

Compass of tourists on mountain at sunset sky.

The number four relates to the earth.
He will ... gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12, ESV)
Earth has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.
There are four primary directions: north, south, east, and west.
There are four earthly kingdoms (Daniel 7:3).
Jesus' parable had four types of soil (Matthew 13).
Four pertains to God’s earthly, “under the sun,” creative works.
Four corners of the earth (Revelation 7:1)
Four phases of the moon
Four elements (earth, fire, water, air)
Four rivers of Paradise (Genesis 2:10)
Four winds of heaven (Jeremiah 49:36)
Four Things make up the universe (time, energy, space, and matter).
Four Seasons (summer, autumn, winter, and spring).
Four Divisions of the day (morning, noon, evening, and midnight).
Four Major provisions for man (earth, air, fire, and water).
Four Winds (Matthew 24:31)
Four generals took over Alexander’s kingdom (broken by God)
Four world empires (beasts) of Daniel
Four horns (gentile powers) of Zechariah
Four guardians of the throne of God
Four horsemen will bring calamity on the earth (Revelation 6:1-8)
Four acts of judgment — sword, famine, evil beasts, and pestilence) with which God condemns the idolaters of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 14:21).


Pentateuch, God’s goodness

Humanness: Weakness (man’s limitations), Dependance (man’s insufficiency in himself), Death
God’s goodness; Grace; Pentateuch (first five books)
Five is a number associated with grace.
... Benjamin's portion was five times as much as any of theirs. And they drank and were merry with him. (Genesis 43:34, ESV)
There are five Levitical offerings (Leviticus 1-5).
Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread to feed 5,000 (Matthew 14:17).
Five fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses
Five books of law (Genesis – Deuteronomy)
Five kinds of animals were sacrificed under the Levitical law: goats, sheep, cattle, pigeons, and doves.
Five loaves were not enough to feed the great multitude.
Five brothers in Luke 16 who would not believe Moses and the prophets.
Five husbands could not satisfy the woman at the well.
Five wounds were inflicted upon Jesus (two hands, two feet, and His head) while alive on the cross. A sixth wound was inflicted after his death.
Five empires of man were represented in King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue (Daniel 2:32- Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Final Kingdom — 4 are fallen, and the last will fall also)


The Number of Man

The Number of Man, including the Fallen Nature of Man and the Works of Fallen Man and the Evil of man
Weakness of man; Manifestation of sin; Satan
Six is the number of man.
"The cities that you give to the Levites shall be the six cities of refuge, where you shall permit the manslayer to flee ..." (Numbers 35:6, ESV)
Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day (Genesis 1:31).
Six falls short of the number seven, God’s number of completion and perfection, and man falls short of the perfection God created him to be. With 5 as the number of humanness and death, six represents man, his fallen nature, and his works. No wonder the number of the beast is represented as an unholy trinity of 666.
Sixth day God created man (Genesis 1:27)
Six days were given to man to work (Exodus 20:9, 31:15)
Six generations of Cain’s descendants
Six years a servant had to work before he could be set free
Six times Jesus was accused of being demon-possessed
Six times Jesus was asked to give a sign to PROVE Himself
Six people proclaimed Jesus innocent but did nothing to stop His crucifixion (Pilate, Herod, Judas, Pilate’s wife, the thief on the cross, a Roman Centurion).
Six New Testament reference to people practicing sorcery (divination)
Six Six Six is the number of Satan


God’s Number of Completion, Perfection, and Rest

God’s Number of Completion, Perfection, and Rest
Resurrection; Spiritual completeness
Seven refers to the number of God, divine perfection, or completeness.
When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. (Exodus 21:2, ESV)
• On the seventh day, God rested after completing the creation (Genesis 2:2).
• God's Word is pure, like silver purified seven times in the fire (Psalm 12:6).
• Jesus taught Peter to forgive 70 times seven (Matthew 18:22).
• Seven demons went out from Mary Magdalene, symbolizing total deliverance (Luke 8:2).
• 7th day of creation signified completion and rest
7 great landmasses form the complete earth
7 great bodies of water form a complete ocean
7 colors make a perfect spectrum
7 colors in the rainbow (interesting that the LGBT flag has only 6 colors; Read Why Does the LGBT Use God’s Rainbow For Its Flag?)
7 notes make a perfect scale
7 covenants of God with man: Adamic, Noah, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Levitic, Davidic, Messianic
7 dispensations of God complete human history
7th day was a Sabbath for Israel, a day of rest
7th year was a Sabbatical year, a year of rest.
7 Sabbatical years, followed by the year of Jubilee.
7 days for the Feast of Passover
7 weeks between Passover and Pentecost.
7 days for the Feast of Tabernacles
7 years was the time it took to complete the construction of the First Temple
7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle
7 days was the time of mourning for the dead
7 times equals purification (of the word of God – Ps 12:6)
7 times of forgiving was elevated to 70 x 7 by Jesus
7 Greek-speaking Christians were appointed by the 12 apostles (Acts 6:3)
7 titles for Jesus in Hebrews.
7 Spiritual Gifts—Given from God the Father (Romans 12:1-8)
7 divisions in the Bible: Law, Prophets, Writings (Psalms), Gospels & Acts, Paul’s Epistles, General Epistles, and the book of completion…
• The Book of Revelation offers this great display of sevens:
• 7 Churches
7 Letters to the 7 Churches
7 Golden Candlesticks
7 Stars
7 Angels
7 Lamps of Fire
7 Spirits of God
7 Seal Judgments
7 Horns and 7 Eyes on the Lamb
7 Trumpets
7 Trumpet Judgments
7 Thunders
7 Thousand Men Slain
7 Heads and 7 Crowns on the Great Red Dragon
7 Heads on the Leopard-like Beast of the Sea
7 Last Plagues
7 Golden Vials
7 Bowl Judgments
7 heads of blasphemy on the Scarlet Colored Beast
7 Mountains
7 Kings
• * 7 hours: This is of interest, but understand that it is not of biblical authority. There is a claim in Jewish tradition that the first man, Adam, was completed in 7 hours. The Talmud records,
• “How was Adam created? In the first hour his dust was collected; in the second his form was created; in the third he became a shapeless mass; in the fourth his members were joined; in the fifth his apertures were opened; in the sixth he received his soul; in the seventh he stood up on his feet . . .”


New Beginnings
The number eight may signify new beginnings, although many scholars don't attribute any symbolic meaning to this number.
Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." (John 20:26, ESV)
• Eight people survived the flood (Genesis 7:13, 23).
• Circumcision took place on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12).
• 8 represents new life, regeneration, resurrection, and commencement.
8 people were on the ark for the new beginning after the flood.
8 words of God to bring forth creation (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26)
8 souls passed through God’s judgment by floodwaters and began a new world.
8 beatitudes of the sermon on the mountain. (Matthew 5:3-11)
8th day starts the week over again.
8th note on a piano starts the scale over again.
8th day a male child was circumcised according to the law.
8th day the first-born was given to Jehovah (Exodus 22:29,30)
8th day consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests (Leviticus 9:1)
8 covenants God made with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3, 12:7, 13:14-17, 15:13-21, 17:1-22, 18:9-15, 21:12, 22:15-18)
8th dispensation of God with man will usher in the eternal state, the New Jerusalem
8 people were resurrected in the Bible, excluding Jesus’ resurrection and the saints who rose at that time. (1 Kings 17:17-22, 17:17-22, 2 Kings 4:30-37, 13:21, John 11:38-44, Luke 7:11-17, Matthew 8:28-43, Acts 20:7-12, Acts 20:7-12, Acts 9:36-42)
8th son of Jesse was the new King of Israel, David
8th day (the day after the Sabbath, the 7th day), Jesus rose from the dead, ushering in a new beginning.


Finality and Faith

Finality and Faith
The number nine may mean fullness of blessing, although many scholars don't assign any special meaning to this number.
• There are nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
• 9th year of the prophet Hosea the faith of the Northern Kingdom was judged by God as idolatrous. The kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians, and the people were carried away into exile (2 Kings 17:6).
9th year of King Zedekiah, God sent judgment upon the Southern Kingdom. Judah was conquered by Babylon, and the city of Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed (2 Kings 25:1).
9th hour Jesus declared, “it is finished.” The penalty for sin was paid by His faithfulness.
9 fruits in the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
9 Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12.8-10)
9 Beatitudes (Mat 5.3-11)

10 TEN

Completion of Divine Order

Completion of Divine Order
The number ten relates to human governments and law.
And he [Boaz] took ten men of the elders of the city [as judges] and said, "Sit down here." So they sat down. (Ruth 4:2, ESV)
• The Ten Commandments were the Tablets of the Law (Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21).
• Ten tribes made up the northern kingdom (1 Kings 11:31-35).
• 10th generation from creation was judged for sin by the Great Flood.
10 Commandments are the perfect instructions for righteousness.
10% tithe was an acknowledgment of God’s gifts of abundance.
10 plagues in Egypt completed God’s judgment when Pharaoh failed to release God’s people.
10 spies failed to see God’s power and provision, so they brought back an evil report (Num 13:32).
10 witnesses were called in the Book of Ruth (Ruth 4:1-2).
10 men were a quorum for the Sanhedrin to convene.
10 was the number of generations until an illegitimate son could enter the congregation of Israel (Deut 23:2). David was the 10th generation from Pharez, the illegitimate son of Tamar and Judah.
10 was the number of generations until an Ammonite or Moabite could enter the congregation of Israel (Deut. 23:3).
10 tribes failed to walk with God and to do His will. They established a separate kingdom given to idolatry, which God judged and scattered the people.
10 times weaker than God’s people (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) were King Nebuchadnezzar’s magicians and astrologers (Daniel 1:20)
10 lepers were unable to cure themselves; they needed Jesus (Luke 17:12)
10 kingdoms in the end times
• Other numbers also have meaning, but most with less significance than 1-10. Exceptions would be the numbers 12 and 40, which are clearly traced throughout the Bible and have clear and significant meanings.


Disorder and judgment Eleven


God’s Perfect Government

The number twelve relates to divine government, God's authority, perfection, and completeness.
It [the New Jerusalem] had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed... And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
(Revelation 21:12-14, ESV)
• The were 12 Tribes of Israel (Revelation 7).
• Jesus chose 12 apostles (Matthew 10:2-4).
• 12 lunar cycles corresponding to 12 months in the year
12-hour periods in the day and night
12 signs of the Mazzaroth was the order of the stars
12 patriarchs, from Seth to Noah and his family
12 patriarchs from Shem to Jacob
12 powerful judges throughout the national history of Israel
12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest
12 spies commissioned by Moses to spy in Canaan
12 was continuously represented in the design and flow of Solomon’s temple
12 sons of Jacob/Israel (Genesis 35:22-27)
12 Tribes of Israel (Genesis 49:28) came from the 12 sons of Jacob
12 years old Jesus was publicly recognized to have spiritual authority
12 apostles chosen by Jesus (Matthew 10:2-4)
12 Kingdom of Heaven Parables
• The Book of Revelation reveals a pattern of the number 12:
• 12 x 2 (2-the number of witness) = 24 elders around the throne of God (Revelation 4:4)
12,000 (sealed) x 12 (# of tribes) = 144,000 sealed witnesses (Revelation 7:4)
The New Jerusalem is seen in its 12 gates, each with 12 foundations,
The circumference of the New Jerusalem is 12,000 furlongs, and its walls are 144 cubits high (Revelation 21:10-21; Ezekiel 48:30-35).


Apostasy; depravity and rebellion


Salvation; Deliverance














Exceeding sinfulness of sin






The Priesthood.


The forgiveness of sins; Repentance.


The Gospel of Christ


Preaching of the Gospel


Eternal life.




Dedication to a Task or Calling ; Dedication, Blood of Christ

Thirty is a time frame and number associated with mourning and sorrow.
Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." ...And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed, and he went and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:3-5, ESV)
• Aaron's death was mourned for 30 days (Numbers 20:29).
• Moses' death was mourned for 30 days (Deuteronomy 34:8).
30 was the age that Joseph came to power in Egypt (Genesis 41:46)
30 was the age that men in Israel entered the military and serves in battle.
30 was the age Levites began priestly service.
30 was the age David became king (2 Samuel 5:4).
30 was the age John the Baptist began baptizing (based on the age of Jesus).
30 was the age at which Jesus began his earthly ministry (Luke 3:23).
Israel mourned for 30 days the deaths of their leaders, Aaron and Moses (Numbers 20:29, Deuteronomy 34:8)
Judas covenanted to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15).








Naming of a son.






The word of our Father.






Trials, Probation, Testings, and Preparing
Probation; Trials; Testing.
Forty is a number associated with testing and trials.
During the flood it rained for 40 days (Genesis 7:4).
40 days and 40 nights, it rained upon the earth
40 years Moses was in Egypt, 40 years in Midian, 40 years Moses served God (Exodus 24:18)
40 days Moses was on Mt. Sinai when he was given the Law
40 days Moses was on Mt. Sinai when he returned after breaking the tablets
40 days after his birth, a male child was dedicated to God
40 days the spies were in the land of Canaan
40 years Israel wandered in the wilderness (Numbers 14:33).
40-year intervals of peace in the age of the Judges
40 years of war between Israel and the Philistines
40 years Saul ruled as King
40 days Goliath presented himself to the armies of Israel
40 years David ruled as King
40 days and 40 nights, Elijah went in strength (an angel had provided food)
40 years Solomon ruled as King
40 days Jonah was in Nineveh
40 years Josiah ruled Judah
40 days Ezekiel lay on his right side to symbolize the 40 years of Judah’s transgression
40 days was prophecied by Jonah to be the time before judgment would come on Nineveh
40 days Jesus fasted in the wilderness(Matthew 4:2).
40 days Jesus taught His disciples after the Resurrection


No Letter


First advent; Israel’s oppression.


No Letter


Judgment of the World.


No Letter


No Letter


No Letter


No Letter




Holy Spirit; Pentecost
The number fifty holds significance in feasts, celebrations, and ceremonies.
And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you... (Leviticus 25:10, ESV)
• The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover (Leviticus 23:15-16).
• Fifty days after Jesus Christ's resurrection the Holy Spirit filled believers on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).




Idol worship


Seventy can be understood by understanding it’s the product of 7 x 10. Seven represents completion, perfection, and rest. Ten represents the completion of divine order. Therefore, seventy can be understood as the ultimate completion and perfection of God’s divine order.
Punishment and restoration of Israel
The number seventy is tied to judgment and human delegations.
And before them stood seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel... (Ezekiel 8:11, ESV)
70 descendants of Noah repopulated the world after the flood (Gen 10)
70 members of Jacob’s family went down to Egypt (Gen 46:27)
70 elders were appointed to help Moses administer Israel in the wilderness (Num 11:16)
70 years of exile in Babylon for the people of Judah (Jer 5:11; 29:10)
70 weeks (70 sevens) were decreed by God as the period in which Messianic redemption would be accomplished (Dan 9:24)
70 men sent forth by Jesus (Luk 10:1)
70 times 7 times was the number of times Jesus said we are to forgive others (Mat 18:22)


Children of the promise; Election


Spiritual perfection and victory


Divine period of probation


The Spirit guided life






666 is the number of the beast.
The number or mark of the beast is the sign of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:15-18).




Holy Spirit; The sum of Tree of Life


Divine completeness and Fathers glory